Sunday, September 05, 2010

Ennis, Paul J. Review of HEIDEGGER'S LATER WRITINGS. KRITIKE 4.1 (2010).

Braver, Lee.  Heidegger's Later Writings: a Reader's Guide.  London: Continuum, 2009.

Heidegger’s Later Writings is a reader’s handbook belonging to the Continuum Reader’s Guide series. Tellingly it is the only book in the series that is not dedicated to the explication of a single major work. It covers Heidegger’s output after the publication of Being and Time (1927) beginning with the lecture known in English as ‘What is Metaphysics.’  Being and Time is covered in the same series by William Blattner (Heidegger’s Being and Time, 2007). Braver’s book covers a total of eight essays including the aforementioned ‘What is Metaphysics’ and concludes with one of Heidegger’s last important works ‘The End of Philosophy and the Task of Thinking' (1964). It includes commentaries on the most famous essays produced by Heidegger in the later period such as ‘The Origin of the Work of Art' (1935-6), ‘Letter on Humanism' (1946), and ‘The Question Concerning Technology' (1949). Alongside the commentaries there is also a short section dealing with context which is essentially an explanation of the Kehre or the turn in Heidegger’s thinking, an overview of the significant themes that preoccupied Heidegger during this period, and a short section on the reception and influence of Heidegger’s ideas upon Sartre, Merleau-Ponty, the Frankfurt School, Gadamer, Foucault, and Derrida. The book also includes a detailed set of notes that will appeal to readers already grounded in Heidegger’s work. The section on further reading will prove useful to students seeking to explore the main currents in Heidegger scholarship and finally the bibliography is concise but it is clear that Braver has assembled the bibliography with some care. . . .
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