Saturday, January 09, 2010

Cfp: "Abolition, Liberation, and the Intersections with Social Justice Movements," 8th Annual Conference for Critical Animal Studies, SUNY, Cortland, April 10, 2010.

We welcome proposals from all community members, including but not limited to nonprofit organizations, political leaders, activists, professors, staff, and students. We are especially interested in topics such history of social movements, nonviolence, alliance politics, spirituality and social movements, freedom, democracy, and notions of total inclusion. We are also interested in reaching across the disciplines and movements of environmentalism, education, poverty, feminism, LGBTQA, animal advocacy, globalization, prison abolition, prisoner support, labor rights, disability rights, anti-war activism, youth rights, indigenous rights/sovereignty, and other peace and social justice issues. Presentations should be fifteen to twenty minutes in length. We are receptive to different and innovative formats, including, but not limited to roundtables, panels, community dialogues, theater, and workshops. You may propose individual or group 'panel' presentations, but please clearly specify the structure of your proposal.

Please send proposals OR abstracts for panels, roundtables, workshops, or paper presentations no more than 500 words. Please send with each facilitator or presenter a 100 maximum word biography.

Deadline for Submissions is February 15, 2010.  Accepted presenters will be notified by e-mail by Feb 20, 2010.

Please send proposals/abstracts and biographies electronically to: Sarat Colling (Co-Conference Director):

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