Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Anon. "Capitalism Under Assault." ADBUSTERS July 23, 2008.
Lippitt, John. "Hegel and the Chicken Suit." TIMES HIGHER EDUCATION March 31, 2008.
Benhabib, Seyla. "On the Public Sphere, Deliberation, Journalism and Dignity." DIALOGUES ON CIVLISATIONS July 21, 2008.
Furedi, Frank. "Spell It Like It is." SPIKED ONLINE August 12, 2008.
Those of us who work in universities are used to reading essays by students who have liberated themselves from the oppressive regime of good grammar and spelling. Some of us still bother to correct misspelled words; others have become tired and indifferent to the problem of poor spelling. Now, an academic has come up with an interesting compromise. Ken Smith, a criminologist at Bucks New University, England, argues that we should chill out and accept the most common spelling mistakes as ‘variant spellings’. . . .
Read the rest here:
Gerson, Lloyd P. "Review of Kevin Corrigan, et al., eds. PLATONISMS." BMCR (August 2008).
Monday, August 25, 2008
"Evolution and Morality," Annual Meeting, American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy, Boston, August 28-29, 2008.
Annual Meeting, American Anthropological Association, San Francisco, November 19-23, 2008.
Van Engen, Abram. "Teaching Life, with Restraint." BOOKS AND CULTURE August 11, 2008.
Henderson, John. "Review of Lorna Hardwick, et al. BLACKWELL COMPANION TO CLASSICAL RECEPTIONS." BMCR (August 2008).
Contents: Lorna Hardwick and Christopher Stray. 'Introduction: Making Connections': 1-9 Ch. 1. Felix Budelmann and Johannes Haubold, 'Reception and Tradition': 13-25 Ch. 2. Barbara Graziosi, 'The Ancient Reception of Homer': 26-37 Ch. 3. Chris Emlyn-Jones, 'Poets on Socrates' Stage: Plato's Reception of Dramatic Art': 38-49 Ch. 4. Thomas Harrison, '"Respectable in its ruins": Achaemenid Persia, Ancient and Modern': 50-61 Ch. 5. Ruth Webb, 'Basil of Caesarea and Greek Tragedy': 62-71 Ch. 6. Seth L. Schein, '"Our Debt to Greece and Rome": Canons, Class and Ideology': 75-85 Ch. 7. David W. Bebbington, 'Gladstone on the Classics': 86-97 Ch. 8. Emily Greenwood, 'Between Colonialism and Independence: Eric Williams and the Uses of Classics in Trinidad in the 1950s and 1960s': 98-112 Ch. 9. Stephen Harrison, 'Virgilian Contexts': 113-26 Ch. 10. David Hopkins, 'Colonization, Closure or Creative Dialogue?: The Case of Pope's Iliad ': 129-40 Ch. 11. Ahmed Etman, 'Translation at the Intersection of Traditions: The Arab Reception of the Classics': 141-52 Ch. 12. J. Michael Walton, '"Enough Give in It": Translating the Classical Play': 153-67 Ch. 13. James Robson, 'Lost in Translation? The Problem of (Aristophanic) Humour': 168-82 Ch. 14. Cashman Kerr Prince, '"Making It New": André Gide's Rewriting of Myth': 185-94 Ch. 15. Vanda Zajko, '"What Difference Was Made?": Feminist Models of Reception': 195-206 Ch. 16. Miriam Leonard, 'History and Theory: Moses and Monotheism and the Historiography of the Repressed': 207-18 Ch. 17. Pantelis Michelakis, 'Performance Reception: Canonization and Periodization': 219-28 Ch. 18. Michael Ewans, 'Iphigénie en Tauride and Elektra: "Apolline" and "Dionysiac" Receptions of Greek Tragedy into Opera': 231-26 Ch. 19. Fiona Macintosh, 'Performance Histories': 247-58 Ch. 20. Angeliki Varakis, '"Body and Mask" in Performances of Classical Drama on the Modern Stage': 259-73 Ch. 21. Freddy Decreus, 'The Nomadic Theatre of the Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio: A Case of Postdramatic Reworking of the Classical Tragedy': 274-86 Ch. 22. Nurit Yaari, 'Aristophanes between Israelis and Palestinians': 287-300 Ch. 23. Joanna Paul, 'Working with Film: Theories and Methodologies': 303-14 Ch. 24. Hanna M. Roisman, 'The Odyssey from Homer to NBC: The Cyclops and the Gods': 315-26 Ch. 25. Marianne McDonald, 'A New Hope: Film as a Teaching Tool for the Classics': 327-41 Ch. 26. Catharine Edwards, 'Possessing Rome: The Politics of Ruins in Roma capitale': 345-59 Ch. 27. Gonda van Steen, '"You unleash the tempest of tragedy": The 1903 Athenian Production of Aeschylus' Oresteia': 360-72 Ch. 28. Betine van Zyl Smit, 'Multicultural Reception: Greek Drama in South Africa in the Late Twentieth and Early Twenty-first centuries': 373-85 Ch. 29. Edith Hall, 'Putting the Class into Classical Reception': 386-97 Ch. 30. Gregson Davis, 'Reframing the Homeric: Images of the Odyssey in the Art of Derek Walcott and Romare Bearden': 401-14 Ch. 31. Sarah Annes Brown, '"Plato's Stepchildren": SF and the Classics': 415-27 Ch. 32. Rosalind Hursthouse, 'Aristotle's Ethics, Old and New': 428-39 Ch. 33. Bryan E. Burns, 'Classicizing Bodies in the Male Photographic Tradition': 440-51 Ch. 34. Elizabeth Vandiver, 'Homer in British World War One Poetry': 452-65 Ch. 35. James I. Porter, 'Reception Studies: Future Prospects': 469-81
Read the review here:
Smith, Zadie. "E. M. Forster, Middle Manager." NEW YORK REVIEW OF BOOKS August 14, 2008.
- Expanding the Space of f2f: Writing Centers and Audio-Visual-Textual Conferencing by Melanie Yergeau, Kathryn Wozniak, and Peter Vandenberg
- Pulling the Difference: Re-envisioning Journals' Negotiations of New Media Scholarship by Patricia Webb Boyd
- Digital Technology and English Pedagogy: From Traditional Essays to a Fabric of Digital Text by David Ciccoricco and Billy O'Steen
- Inventing/Producing Columbus: A New Humanities Remix by Shannon Mondor and Angela Rounsaville
- Digital Media and Composition: DMAC Theory 2008 by Ryan Omizo
- An "A" Word Production: Authentic Design by Douglas Walls
- Fifth Canon Consciousness: Classical and Electric Rhetorics -- an Interview with Kathleen Welch by D. Alexis Hart
- Review of Viz. Rhetoric, Visual Culture, Pedagogy, a blog published by the Computer Writing and Research Lab at the University of Texas by Rebekah Shultz Colby
- Review of Aging Literacies:Training and Development Challenges for Faculty by Angela Crow by Geoffrey C. Middlebrook
Visit the issue's homepage at:
Pinsky, Robert. "The American John Milton." SLATE MAGAZINE August 18, 2008.
Friday, August 22, 2008
CFP: "Thinking through Rhetoric: Rhetoric, Cognition, and Culture," American Society for the History of Rhetoric, San Diego, November 20, 2009.
Raabe, Peter B. "Review of Sara Heinamaa, et al., eds. CONSCIOUSNESS." MOR August 12, 2008.
Pilotti, Maura. "Review of George Lakoff's THE POLITICAL MIND." MOR August 5, 2008.
Jahoda, Gustav. "Review of Ian Parker's REVOLUTION IN PSYCHOLOGY." MOR August 5, 2008.
Ouma, Steve Odero, and Aakash Singh. "Review of Mary-Jo Delvecchio, et al., eds. POSTCOLONIAL DISORDERS." MOR August 5, 2008.
Jeffery, Andrew V. "Review of George Levine's DARWIN LOVES YOU." MOR August 19, 2008.
Third Biennial Summer Institute, Rhetoric Society of America, Pennsylvania State University, June 22-28, 2009.
- Rhetoric, Nationalism, and Post-Nationalism - Vanessa Beasley (Vanderbilt)
- Women, Religious Persuasion, and Social Activism in America 1780-1940 - Patricia Bizzell (College of Holy Cross), Jane Donawerth (Maryland), Shirley Wilson Logan (Maryland), and Roxanne Mountford (Kentucky)
- Women, Rhetoric, and Political Agency - Karlyn Kohrs Campbell (Minnesota), Mari Boor Tonn (Maryland), and Justin Killian (Minnesota)
- Toward a Rhetoric of Multilingual Writing - A. Suresh Canagarajah (Penn State), Maria Jerskey (La Guardia College), Jay Jordan (Utah), and Xiaoye You (Penn State)
- Rhetoric, Public Scholarship, and Democratic Activism: Re-inventing Politics after Neo-Liberalism - Rosa Eberly (Penn State) and Dana Cloud (Texas)
- Rhetoric and Performance Studies - Jenn Fishman (Tennessee)
- A Career Bootcamp for Associate Professors - Cheryl Geisler (RPI)
- Rhetoric and Race - Keith Gilyard (Penn State) and Victor Villanueva (Washington State)
- Visualizing Patterns of Group Communication in Digital Workspaces - William Hart-Davidson (Michigan State); Clay Spinuzzi (Texas); and Mark Zachry (University of Washington)
- History Matters: Materials and Methods for Scholarship in the History of Rhetoric - Debra Hawhee (Illinois) and Richard Graff (Minnesota)
- Discourse Analysis for Rhetorical Studies - Barbara Johnstone (Carnegie Mellon) and Christopher Eisenhart (UMass Dartmouth)
- Queering Rhetorical Studies - Charles Morris (Boston U)
- Voices of Democracy - U.S. Public Oratory, Democracy, and the Humanities Undergraduate Classroom - Shawn Parry-Giles (Maryland), Michael Hogan (Penn State), and Robert Gaines (Maryland)
- Rhetoric and Globalization (International Rhetoric) - Andrea Ritivoi (Carnegie Mellon)
- Understanding Kenneth Burke through His Archives - Jack Selzer (Penn State), Ann George (Texas Christian), and David Tell (Kansas)
- Rhetoric, Public Memory, and Forgetting - Bradford Vivian (Syracuse) and Carole Blair (North Carolina)
- Medical Rhetoric: Ethical Issues, Archival Concepts, and Imaginative Writing - Susan Wells (Temple) and Ellen Barton (Wayne State)
- Science and its Publics - James Wynn (Carnegie Mellon) and Lisa Keranen (Colorado)
- Rhetoric and Religion - Susan Zaeske (Wisconsin) and Rob Howard (Wisconsin)
- Reading Lincoln's Rhetoric - David Zarefsky (Northwestern)
This list is tentative and subject to change. Complete information, including registration fees, will be posted in September, along with directions for applying for Seminars and Workshops. The final costs are still being negotiated, but it is anticipated that the fee for a Seminar will be about $425 (for RSA members) and for the Workshops in the $225 range (for RSA members). Non-member rates will be slightly higher. It is anticipated that some partial scholarships to help graduate students to attend will be available. Housing will be in addition to the fee.
Program Organizers:
- Shawn Parry-Giles, University of Maryland, Co-Planner, RSA 2009 Institute
- David Kaufer, Carnegie Mellon, Co-Planner, RSA 2009 Institute
- Jeremy Engels, Penn State University Local Arrangements Chair
CFP: "150 Year of Evolution – Darwin's Impact on the Humanities and Social Sciences," San Diego State University November 20-22, 2009.
Ashworth, E. Jennifer. "Review of James Hankins, ed. CAMBRIDGE COMPANION TO RENAISSANCE PHILOSOPHY." NDPR (August 2008).
Hildebrand, David. "Review of Robert Talisse's A PRAGMATIST PHILOSOPHY OF DEMOCRACY." NDPR (August 2008).
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Deibert, Michael. "Review of Peter Hallward's DAMMING THE FLOOD." MICHAEL DEIBERT, WRITER [blog] March 16, 2008.
Zizek, Slavoj. "Democracy versus the People." NEW STATESMAN August 14, 2008.
Acocella, Joan. "The Forbidden World." NEW YORKER August 25, 2008.
Willett, Graham. "Summa Sexologica." AUSTRALIAN REVIEW OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS (August 2008).
Gordon, David. "Going Off the Rawls." THE AMERICAN CONSERVATIVE July 28, 2008.
CFP: 12th Annual Conference, Association of the Study of Law, Culture and the Humanities, Law School, Suffolk University, April 3-4, 2009.
Alznauer, Mark. "Review of Allen Speight's THE PHILOSOPHY OF HEGEL." NDPR (August 2008).
Monday, August 18, 2008
Bronner, Ethan. "Under ‘Kafkaesque’ Pressure, Heir to Kafka Papers May Yield Them." NEW YORK TIMES August 17, 2008.
"Recognition and Work," Centre for Research on Social Inclusion, Maquarie University, October 15-17, 2007.
Lennox, John. "Why Not Every Scientist Worships at Darwin's Feet." SYDNEY MORNING HERALD August 18, 2008.
Dennett, Daniel. "Daniel Dennett's Darwinian Mind: an Interview with a 'Dangerous' Man [with Chris Floyd]." SCIENCE AND SPIRIT (2008).
Czarnecki, Mark. "The Other Darwin." WALRUS MAGAZINE (September 2008).
Weber, Bruce. "Review of Michael Ruse's CHARLES DARWIN." NDPR (August 2008).
Hookway, Christopher. "Pragmatism." STANFORD ENCYCLOPEDIA OF PHILOSOPHY, August 16, 2008.
"Justice, Culture and Tradition," Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, June 2-4, 2008.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Kelly, Sean. "Review of David Woodruff Smith's HUSSERL." TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT April 25, 2008.
Roth, Paul A. "Review of Jonathan Gorman's HISTORICAL JUDGEMENT." NDPR (August 2008).
Anderson, Chris. "The End of Theory: Will the Data Deluge Make the Scientific Method Obsolete?" EDGE June 30, 2008.
Margolis, Eric. "Teaching John Dewey." EDUCATION REVIEW November 29, 2007.
- Johnston, James Scott. Inquiry and Education: John Dewey and the Quest for Democracy. Albany: SUNY Press, 2006.
- Martin, Jay. The Education of John Dewey: a Biography. New York: Columbia UP, 2002.
- Simpson, Douglas J. John Dewey. New York: Peter Lang, 2006.
Blackburn, Simon. "Truth's Caper." THE NEW REPUBLIC August 14, 2008.
Franks, Paul. "Review of William F. Bristow's HEGEL AND THE TRANSFORMATION OF PHILOSOPHICAL CRITIQUE." NDPR (August 2008).
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Morgan, Michael L. "Review of Charles Taylor's THE SECULAR AGE." NDPR (August 2008).
- "The Hegelian 'Night of the World': Žižek on Subjectivity, Negativity, and Universality" by Robert Sixto Sinnerbrink Abstract English
- "Žižek and the Real Hegel" by David J. Gunkel Abstract English
- "The Concrete Universal in Žižek and Hegel" by Wendell Kisner Abstract English
- "Žižek's Phenomenology of the Subject" by Tere Vaden Abstract English
- "Christ, Hegel, Wagner" by Slavoj Žižek English
- "Kant, or the Crack in the Universal: Slavoj Zizek’s Politicising of the Transcendental Turn" by Matthew Sharpe Abstract English
- "Interpassivity Revisited: a Critical and Historical Reappraisal of Interpassive Phenomena" by Gijs van Oenen Abstract English
- "Alain Badiou and the ‘Platonism of the Multiple’ - or, on What the Gesture of the Re-Entanglement of Mathematics and Philosophy Implies" by Roque Farran Abstract English Español
- "The Only Hope of the Revolution is the Crowd: the Limits of Žižek’s Leninism" by Paul Kellogg Details English
- "Symbolic Violence and Global Capitalism" by Tonci Valentic English
- "A - A = a" by Seongmin Lee Korean English
- "A Review of The Universal Exception" by Hsiang Hsu Chinese English
- "Rejecting both Mao and Deng: Slavoj Žižek and Waiting for the Leftist Critique to Come" by Nathan Coombs English
- "Film Review - Žižek!" by René Lemieux English Française
- "Clinical Experience" by Janne Kurki Details English
- "Who Needs Yalom When We Have Žižek?" by William John Urban Abstract English
- "Vertigo by Far East (Italiano)" by Marco Grosoli Abstract Italiano
- "M. Hommelette’s Wild Ride: Lamella as a Category of Shame" by Christine Evans Abstract English