Monday, August 08, 2011

Derrida Conference, Goethe University, March 14-16, 2012.

In the wake of the thought of Jacques Derrida, the claim of philosophy can be understood as the opening of new paths, the disrupting of closures. But who makes deconstruction? Who makes it present? Can it be made present? How can deconstruction continue? And in what does the movement of this thinking today consist?

From the beginning, the question of the presence of philosophy has been a question of its progress. However, after Derrida, this question not only presents itself once more, but also in a different way. With him, language, conceptual thinking, as well as linguistic performance as questioning self-reference, have been decidedly transformed. The approaches associated with the name Derrida move in a relation of tension to philosophy as a discipline, and evade that understanding of philosophy that grasps its time in concepts and its activity as conceptual work. In and through acts of deconstruction, this work opens up the concept, beginning from a variety of newly conceptualized turns and neologisms, which consist as much in turning away, turning against, turning astray, as well as turning to rigorous objections.

Meanwhile, deconstructive turns and practices themselves appear, and come to take on, terminological and disciplinary forms. Today, therefore, the problem arises as to what extent acts of deconstruction, practices that work with and against the concept, the very concept of the concept, as well as the concept of philosophy and of other disciplines, can be thought. Do acts of deconstruction, which in part turn away from the concept or turn against it, still move in tension with the classical understanding of such conceptual work? Or has the deconstructive encounter with concepts ceased, transforming the nature of thinking itself? How can it still succeed in this thinking, which moves beyond concepts by means of concepts?

The aim of this conference is to provide a space to develop, problematize, and discuss the formation of concepts after Derrida. The question of the presence and future of deconstruction arises thereby as a double question: It is not only a question of clarifying where the key problems of a deconstructive thinking could be situated, but also a question of what ways of describing such problems become possible.

Possible paper topics include:

An-arché and violence
Literature, writing, and voice
Ontology and hauntology
Sovereignty, eleutheria, and exousia
L’animot and anthropology
The spacing of time, deferred action (Nachträglichkeit), and iteration
Responsibility and law
Intersubjectivity and alterity
Aporia, method, and dialectic
Cognition and epoché
Geometry and genealogy

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