Friday, December 28, 2007

CFP: "History as Creative Writing," RETHINKING HISTORY 14 (2010).

The editors of Rethinking History: The Journal of Theory and Practice invite contributions to an issue entitled "History as Creative Writing," the first of several issues, to be published over several years, intended to highlight the journal's longstanding interest in experiments in the literary dimensions of historical writing. (See, for example, Alun Munslow and Robert A. Rosenstone, eds. 2004. Experiments in Rethinking History.) What we continue to look for-in narrative, interpretation, theory, or some combination of two or three--is evidence of a struggle not just with evidence or argument but also with language and with form. That struggle might lead to some unusual structure, or plot, or voice (or voices), or point of view (or points of view). It might lead to some uncommon (for academic history) use of metaphor, imagery, or rhythm. It might push a writer to the outer limits of the universe of non-fiction writing-or out of that universe altogether. It might produce, in the name of historical understanding, a memoir, poem, or piece of a play. We welcome contributions from writers at any stage in their careers, at work in any field, and engaged with the past in any imaginable way. Weexpect pieces of various lengths, but hope that none will be a word more or less than it needs to be. The deadline for contributions to the first issue of Volume 14 is December 1, 2009. Further details can be obtained from the US editor James Goodman.

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