Friday, January 09, 2009

Cfp: "Narrativity," Second Annual Conference on Philosophy and the Arts, SUNY, Stony Brook, Manhattan Campus, March 27-28, 2009.

Keynote Speaker—Dr. Richard Kearney, Charles B. Seelig Chair of Philosophy at Boston College. The Masters program in Philosophy and the Arts at Stony Brook University in Manhattan studies the intersections of art and philosophy. In our efforts to further the dialogue between traditionally disparate fields of study, we offer this conference as an interdisciplinary event. We welcome participants from a variety of fields and media to respond to this year’s topic: Narrativity. Narrativity can be construed in many ways. We might understand it as the testimonial quality of subjective accounts and expressions, the process of reception and interpretation by an audience, or even as the force that impels our narrative-making amidst concurrent impressions and experiences. Art and philosophy offer some of the most incisive interpretations and portrayals of narrativity as it unfolds in history, culture, and daily life. Where the rendering of narrativity evokes tension between intended trajectories and their disruption,between compulsion and material constraints, we open our discussion. The goal of our conference is to create a diverse, inviting dialogue on narrative accounts of subjective experience and reality through art and theory. For conference details, submission guidelines, and to read the full Call for Papers and Works, please visit our website at and click on "2009 Conference." All submissions must be received by January 14th, 2009, and any questions may be directed to

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